Joints crunch and creak. Arm is heavy. Grip is getting loose. Everything slows down, everything is forgotten. No one comes to visit anymore. If you can't work anymore, then there's no point. Especially as a manufacturing robot. But then, a caressing hand and a memory of that one song. The song of youth. The machine cries and starts humming softly.
Bum Bum Pieces examines people and machines in elderly care and takes you through a musical evening that might not be a real musical at all.
The performance is suited for non-german speakers, though song lyrics are in german.
PERFORMANCE Victoria Halper & Nora Winkler DIRECTED BY Simon Windisch ROBOT Stefan Bauer KOMPOSITION AND LIVE MUSIC Manfred Engelmayr & Robort Lepenik VOCALS Nora Winkler DRAMATURGIE Kai Krösche PRODUKTION Siglind Güttler & Bernard Werschnak
Sun. January 12th (Premiere)
Wed. January 15th - Sun. January 19th
Starting time is 8pm.
20 € / 15 € (concessions)
Performance take place at the FABRIK SEESTADT which is located right by the U2 Station "Seestadt" (northern exit "Baulogistikzentrum").
Warm clothing is recommended.
Funded by the MA7 and BKA Sektion II/7.